September 17, 2013
Whenever I am battling with a really stressful situation, I subject myself to the torture of a hot yoga class. It helps me to burn away at my internal aggression and humbles my energy.
“Hot Yoga” is a general term for turning up the temperature in the studio. Bikram Yoga is a very specific 26 pose sequence that lasts 90 minutes. I prefer hot yoga. Occasionally, I will dabble in a Bikram class if my ego needs to get checked. Along my yoga journey, I have found 4 teachers who quench my thirst to get steamy, sweaty and salty on the mat.
God created a Vinyasa Goddess and her name is Gopi. I absolutely love Gopi Kinnecutt for her beautiful prana-flow sequences. She ramps up the intensity at Hot Yoga Tenleytown by turning up the heat so that you churn up emotional blockages.
Gopi’s style is very circular and can sometimes feel confusing. But after you get the hang of her rhythm, you can ride along and enjoy the dance of her flow! Find Gopi on Mondays & Wednesdays at Hot Yoga Tenleytown.
LaShone at Bikram Yoga Capitol Hill teaches with a strange balance of compassion yet control as you try to survive the 90 minutes of humid, funky yoga torture. The Bikram style of hot yoga is for the brave and committed.
Once you overcome the immediate heat exhaustion the moment you step into the room, you can discover the beauty in the pain. Also check her at Bikram Yoga Riverdale.
If you are looking for a beautiful studio with ballerina bodies, Epic Yoga is a great place to start. They offer both barre, Iyengar-based yoga and Ashtanga classes. I took a hot yoga class with Sihnuu Hetep after I had a really stressful day.
I ended up leaving all my sweaty stressors underneath of my mat. Dahlia usually teaches and offers a very engaging pace to help you get through the class.
If you can’t catch these instructors, try out some other great hot yoga studios in DC:
Downdog Yoga in Georgetown – Specialize in Power Yoga (Baptiste Style)
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