DC “Omies”: Yoga Spotlight on Sia-Tiambi Barnes

January 6, 2012

It’s 4pm at work. I’ve clocked in over 8 hours of staring at a bright fluorescent computer screen under brighter fluorescent lights. The grey of the office is wearing me down. My mind and body are begging for something to take me out of my cubicle cage. I need a recharge, like a jolt of espresso, to power me through the rest of my day. I forego Starbucks and decide to check out a new Tuesday 45 minute “Burn and Flow” yoga class taught by Sia Tiambi Barnes at Embrace in Adams Morgan.

Sia in Dancer pose (Natarajasana)
Photo by Drew Xeron

Sia Tiambi Barnes leads the class fusing her style of grace and power while warming us up to gentle seated twists and later burning us up with a powerful sequence of  sun salutations. Sia’s soft guidance combined with her energetic encouragement creates an inviting vibe for the no-nonsense yoga flow.

The DC native is a multi-dimensional artist, coining the term “omies”, to convey the connection in friendship that comes from sharing a spiritual creativity. She is also one of the 32 recipients of the 2010 Young Artists Grant from the DC Commission of Arts and Humanities who blogs at http://concreteyogi.com/.

Sia-Tiambi is a great addition to the Chocolate City Yoga Scene so pop in for her Burn and Flow Power Yoga class every Tuesday at Faith Hunter’s Embrace Yoga in Adams Morgan.
“Burn and Flow” at Embrace http://embracedc.com/ 

Tuesdays, 5p – 5:45p (all levels, power vinyasa)

1650 Columbia Road, NW, 2nd Floor 
(202) 525-1083 
(New Student Special: 2 classes for $20)



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